We cannot participate in the lie

I used to have some respect for the poor buggers that died or survived ww2, not any more, murderers every last one of them, they got what they signed up for and for who and what is the extremely relevant question, which very few do much of anything to inquire of. Do any of you […]

via ANZAC Day, Celebration of Death and Destruction, they got what the signed up for, liars and murderers like their father before them. — leannansith

Rally for Peace

Kia ora koutou, Rally on 6 May, 2pm, Aotea Square: – No to escalation of wars in the Middle East and Asia. – An independent investigation into the allegations of war crimes made in Nicky Hager and Jon Stephenson’s book ‘Hit and Run’. – NZ troops withdrawn from Iraq and Afghanistan, no NZ troops to […]

via Stand up for Peace and Justice – May 6, 2pm, Aotea Square — GPJA’s Blog

Oravida corruption allegations deleted from Judith Collins wikipedia page


Judith with gun

That’s a Glock police pistol and this is a truely creepy photo for someone who’s supposed to be the Minister of Justice. It’s National’s former straight shooter, Judith Collins, who now seems to have lost her political aim.  She’s doing her best to cover up the identity of  the Chinese government official who attended her now infamous dinner party in China – good luck with that!

But is she also trying to cover up the cover up as well? Her wikipedia page has a Reputation section about her ‘hardball’ manner and ‘take no prisoners’ attitude.  But once Oravida is mentioned, the wikipedia description of events begins to sour.  It talks about her embarrassing public apology for failing to come clean with the media about who she met on her recent trip to China and starts with this brief summary:

“In March 2014, Collins came under fire after an overseas trip where she ‘dropped in’…

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“Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” – The Road to Armageddon, part II

7heaven Astrology

Julius Robert Oppenheimer (22 April 1904 – 18 February 1967) was an American physicist and the scientific director of the Manhattan Project. Response to question on his feelings about the atomic bombings, while visiting Japan in 1960:

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.“

Nuclear weapons were developed, tested and first used within the first quarter of the small conjunction which occurred on August 8, 1940 at 14° 27′ in the sign of earthy triplicity, Taurus. It is my…

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Information about corruption and controversial NZ murder cases deleted from Wikipedia


Wikipedia pages about David Bain, Mark Lundy, Teina Pora, Scott Watson – and Corruption in New Zealand have been ‘neutralised’ by editors with a hidden agenda.

Judith Collins

It all began in July last year, under the headline, Critic claims censorship on Collins Wiki, when the Dominion Post reported that Judith Collins’ press secretary had been involved in editing the Wikipedia page about her boss.  The NZ Herald was more concerned about cuts made by Collins’ secretary to the page about David Bain: Minister defends cutting Bain paragraphs on Wikipedia . Nowcuts have been made to the wikipedia pages about Teina Pora, Mark Lundy, Scott Watson and Corruption in New Zealand.

Mark LundyOn the page about Mark Lundy this entirely factual information was deleted: “Lundy continued to maintain his innocence and in June 2013 appealed to the Privy Council in the United Kingdom. Lundy served thirteen years in prison and…

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seriously, the guy has a point


I got metaphorically spanked a couple of days ago. Folks have been talking about the Fearless Girl statue ever since it was dropped in Manhattan’s Financial District some five weeks ago.I have occasionally added a comment or two to some of the online discussions about the statue.

Recently most of the Fearless Girldiscussions have focused on the complaints by Arturo Di Modica, the sculptor who createdCharging Bull. He wantsFearless Girl removed, and that boy is taking a metric ton of shit for saying that. Here’s what I said that got me spanked:

The guy has a point.

This happened in maybe three different discussions over the last week or so. In each case I explained briefly why I believe Di Modica has a point (and I’ll explain it again in a bit), and for the most part folks either accepted my comments or ignored them. Which…

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May Day march for migrant and refugee rights announced

Migrant and Refugee Rights Campaign (Aotearoa/NZ)

The newly formed Migrant and Refugee Rights Campaign (MARRC) has called a march on May Day in Wellington Central. The march will call for improved rights for migrant and refugee workers.

“May Day has a long history of mobilisation for workers’ rights,” says Gayaal Iddamalgoda, a union lawyer and MARRC candidate for Wellington Central. “This year, given the international upsurge of divisive xenophobia, we are mobilising for the rights of migrant workers.”

“Some call for a cap on immigration,” continues Gayaal. “Rather than attempting to put the toothpaste back in the tube, we demand full rights for migrant workers.”

“What’s best for migrant workers is best for everyone. Migrant workers need a living wage, cheap high-quality housing, and the freedom to organise with other New Zealanders to improve their conditions.”

“We challenge Labour and the Greens to stand with us for migrant and refugee rights.”

The event will begin with…

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