The Rachinger Posts

Good on you for following this.


Image source: PC World

For the past six or so months, Ben Rachinger has claimed to have a deep knowledge of the extent of corruption in New Zealand’s political system. He has prided Nicky Hager’s book “Dirty Politics” for bringing to the fore the diseased apparatus toxifying the New Zealand government and media. Rachinger has recently begun publishing a series of posts of his direct experience in the Whaleoil machine at the centre of the corruption in this country. [Links to all seven posts he has published so far are available at the bottom of this post]

There has been some criticism of his posts. Some readers suggesting they don’t really reveal anything new, others criticising gaps in the information and some dismissing him as a tin foiler.

Whatever your view, here is what I surmise from the series so far:

Rachinger was a Young Nat and deeply concerned about the…

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Weekly Forecast April 27: Mercury Enters Gemini, Full Moon in Scorpio


Scorpio Full Moon Composite Composite by Osk Ingad Alden and Pat Paquette, 2015.

The pace remains fairly low key this week, and yet our thoughts start racing in a struggle to make sense of the barrage of information we encounter daily.

Many people understand or are beginning to realize that much of the information we receive is meaningless. It’s like loading up on junk food, which is cheap and readily available. After living on a diet of this stuff for so long, one tends to develop a taste for it, and then it’s hard to appreciate healthy alternatives. In time, real food becomes a distant memory.

Likewise, many of those born since the 1980s don’t remember what real journalism was like. We had

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Astro-Notes on April 24, 2015


Daily aspects:
– Ceres in Aquarius semi-square Chiron in Pisces
– Mars in Taurus semi-sextile Uranus in Aries
– Mercury in Taurus sextile Chiron in Pisces
– Venus in Gemini quincunx Pluto Rx in Capricorn
– Neptune in Pisces quincunx NN in Libra/semi-sextile SN in Aries

Image Source courtesy of: Image Source courtesy of: We continue to adjust to the newest trends, adapting our priorities accordingly, accepting our ‘fate’ or the things we cannot control, whether we like it or not, hanging in there and hoping for conditions not to get worse or too bad or overwhelming so that we can get back on track soon.

Tarot card of the day is The World”, signifying the end of a cycle, the final and successful completion of any issue at hand. We have arrived at our destination or have reached the culmination of a long series of events. There is a dawning…

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Friday, April 24th Daily #Astrology Forecast from Lilly Roddy Show


Friday, April 24th: The Moon journeys through family seeking Cancer for the entire day. She does turn void-of-course in Cancer, at 12:04 PM, and remains so throughout the remainder of the day. Try and plan your more and important activities before noon.

The Moon opposes Pluto, 4:21 AM: In our dream state, we are purging the residue of negative emotions. If you remember your dreams, you’ll be confronting some long-held fears.

The Moon sextiles Mars, 8:00 AM: you have a lot of energy this morning and some of it may be really hard to contain. Normally this combination of planets would indicate a good time to initiate some sort of new project. However: the restlessness of the upcoming transit keeps us a bit distracted and off center from our primary aim. Keep your schedule light and flexible and you will be fine.

The Moon squares Uranus, 8:02 AM: we could…

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Whale Oil Hack – Dirty politics, New Zealand Police arrest cyber activist with strong labour party connections

Lauda Finem

Labour party associate and cyber activist Ben Rachinger Labour party associate and cyber activist Ben Rachinger

LF have learned that the New Zealand police have arrested Auckland law student and cyber activist Ben Rachinger following his online admissions surrounding the Raw-shark hack of Kiwi Blogger Cameron Slater’s computer systems and social media accounts. Rachinger is a law student at an Auckland University and is allegedly close to Lynn Prentice and various other players at Labour party rag the Standard. Mr Rachinger has apparently already been released from police custody.

Rachingers twitter account take-down was swift. Rachingers twitter account take-down was swift.

LF first suspected that police had moved when Rachinger’s twitter account was suddenly removed earlier today. LF will bring readers more as detail become available.

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Mike Sabin – What about the sexual assault charges – Who paid the ferryman and what with?


Lauda Finem

Peppers Carrington Resort Peppers Carrington Resort, about the only qualification Mike Sabin has to run this joint is that he can probably play golf, but not well enough to be paid the salary of a 5 star resort CEO

The New Zealand Herald ran another story on Mike Sabin yesterday, all very brief really, more like an advertorial. The story was focused solely on Sabin having been employed to run a 5 star luxury resort. There was nothing whatsoever about the sexual assault charges he is facing, not that there would be because the New Zealand mainstream media are sycophants and frankly can’t be trusted any longer to provide news let alone the truth:

Mike Sabin’s new job at luxury resort

Former National MP Mike Sabin has picked up a job as the head of a luxury resort in Northland.

Mr Sabin has been appointed chief executive…

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Should We Confront Racial Abusers On Public Transport?

anne frandi-coory

I resisted the fear and stood up to racial abuse…but should I have?

Last Tuesday 14 April I was sitting on a train bound for Melbourne’s CBD at about 11am. All around me were voices in various stages of peaceful conversation, when suddenly a very loud male voice disrupted the calm. At first I thought it was a one sided phone conversation, so I turned to see who this inconsiderate person was. About four seats behind me across the aisle sat a well dressed young man wearing sunglasses looking straight at the window opposite his seat. In seats beside him but facing the rear of the carriage sat an Indian couple; I could only see the backs of their heads at this stage. The young man began to yell and scream obscenities obviously referring to the couple which alerted me to what this was all about:

Speak English you f…… c……

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LF – Making life easier for New Zealand’s politically motivated idiots

Lauda Finem

GRIEVING: Stephen Dudley's parents feel the court system has dealt them further blows after they viewed their son's court file. GRIEVING: Stephen Dudley’s parents feel the court system has dealt them further blows after they viewed their son’s court file.

On April eight this year the New Zealand Herald ran an article reporting on the sudden appearance of an unnamed individual before a New Zealand court. The article written by one Rob Kidd made various claims. The upshot of those claims alleging that the accused was an Auckland “blogger” and had been charged by police with breaching name suppression in the case of two teens, that suppression having been granted by Winkelmann J.

Since that article was published there has be a great deal of speculation and rumour on all of New Zealand’s major social media platforms, including but not limited to Facebook, Trademe, justice forums and various motorsport enthusiast site’s and others less well know.

Whilst a degree of speculation is completely understandable there has also been the persistent…

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