Characteristics of Corporate Psychopaths and Their Corporations


Summary by J. Scarlet

From the books, Snakes in Suits by Dr. Paul Babiak & Dr. Robert Hare, Corporate Psychopaths by Dr. Clive Boddy, Working with Monsters by Dr. John Clarke & Without Conscience by Dr. Robert Hare

“It is important to study [corporate] psychopaths because of the large-scale financial, environmental and human resources that many modern international corporations have at their disposal.  Many corporations are bigger financially than some nation-states: of the 100 largest economic entities in 2002, 50% were corporations,” (Boddy, 6).  The actions of some senior managers have destroyed corporations and such collapses have become more common in recent years, (1).  When these managers lie about their involvement in such catastrophes, walk away with huge payoffs and seemingly unaffected by the lives they have devastated, normal people wonder what kind of person would behave this way.  It is my hope that by compiling this paper…

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MP Nick Smith Hires Lawyer to Silence Child Abuse Ring Rumours

Heavy shit!

The Real News NZ

MP Nick Smith hired Nelson lawyer Nigel McFadden to serve papers on the man who runs the “Awake and Aware NZ” Facebook page recently.

He was apparently upset about the post below which states that 5 sitting MP’s have name suppression for child abuse, and features a picture of Nick Smith. If you read the  full poster, it does not actually say Nick Smith is one of them, it simply highlights the fact that Kiwis do not know which MP’s it is.


But is there more to this story?

Facebook whistle blower Justin Davis has also stated publicly that Nick Smith is in fact involved in a child abuse ring being operated from his Nelson office.

Justin Davis’ allegation is posted below – and is taken from a total of 58 pages of allegations Justin has made about child abuse rings operating across various NZ Crown agencies with…

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