Aries New Moon, Lilith Trine Venus

Tara Greene,Tarot,Astrology,Psychic

March 27 The New Moon in ARIES is very VENUSIAN for a MARS ruled sign.

Aries New Moon Tara Greene astrology

Dream caused by the flight of a bee (1944) DALI

The first sign of the Zodiac marks a new cycle, a new beginning, starting now on thisDark Moon with VENUS RETROGRADE conjunct the SUN. Venus is NOT going totally underworld right now she is too high in declination. She is both morning and evening star now. We need to think on that.

LILITH the Dark Goddess in SAGITTARIUS trining Retro Venus in ARIES. 

Lilith governs all New or Dark moons and this brings an especially powerful element for all women to utilize Lilith’s KALI-like uncompromising energies. What isn’t loving towards a woman must go. No ifs and’s or buts about it. 

LILITH also squares the NORTH Node in VIRGO and the SOUTH NODE in PISCES

The fates are working their triple Goddess energies here…

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War and Climate change: two sides of the same coin

Off to Taranaki we go.

Auckland Peace Action

ipcc-report-climate-change-mitigation-fossil-fuels-coal-oil-decarbonization-unfccc-722x509THIS month in Taranaki, the annual Petroleum Summit is happening. This is a meeting of major oil and gas corporations with government ministers and officials to discuss current and new fossil fuel exploration. At this event, vast areas of land and sea will be offered up for exploration in the 2017 Block Offer.

In response to that, a large coalition has come together calling for a blockade of the Summit. Auckland Peace Action will be there blockading in solidarity with our allies and comrades in the Climate Justice Movement, because we see war and climate change as two side of the same coin.

Imperialism, war and oiL

Wars are primarily waged in order to acquire resources. With more resources, nations or groups become both richer and more powerful. All sorts of reasons are used to justify war, like terrorism, religious and ethnic differences, and territorial claims, but when the dust…

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