Never mind Banks how about John Key’s conflicts of interest?!

Aotearoa: A Wider Perspective

Should John Key sack John Banks for his lack of moral compass when it comes to accepting money for political influence?

I think this is a clear case of monkey see, monkey do and John Banks is small fry when it comes to corruption. If you want to see some major league corruption you have to go up a ring of the ladder. John key for example leaves Banksy for dead when it comes to major prime time corruption and it netted him $50 million so to demand for John Key to restore credibility and ethic standards to his administration is like telling a Mafia Don to give all his money to charity and become an honest man.

It would be impossible for John Key to restore credibility unless he resigns himself for having a clear and treacherous conflict of interest since he has most of his paper wealth in…

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Council Chair shuts down debate on weapons conference

Peace Action Wellington

The Chair of the Wellington City Council’s Economic Growth and Arts Committee has today refused permission to debate a petition which was presented by members of the grassroots group Peace Action Wellington.

AP Weapons

The petition, signed by 1,000 Wellingtonians, calls on the City Council to oppose the upcoming weapons conference which is being held in a council owned venue, the TSB Arena on 17th and 18th of November.

This happened despite pleas across the council table that the issue be debated.

Peace Action Wellington spokesperson James Barber says, “it is a travesty that the city council, which declares itself nuclear free and a peace city, is hosting a conference promoting the weapons trade.”

“This has happened despite despite prior arrangement with council staff and democratic services for us to present this petition. We are calling on the city council to request that the Chief Executive of Positively Wellington Venues refuse further…

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The Map Out

Kenn Orphan

MALL1-facebook     One of the most harrowing challenges of modern American life is navigating through the massive desert of our mindless, materialistic consumerism. It is within this landscape that a soul can become lost and drenched in despair. From the endless stream of vacant eyed wraiths that glide down catwalks, to the pervasive advertising that never ceases to demean the values of empathy and compassion and hollow out any meaning associated with human connection, to the entertainment industry which revels in the depths of cruelty it can sink to, the onslaught on the psyche is both constant and merciless.

consumerism  Picture Source Green is SexyThe American shopping mall is a reflection of this nightmare of ravenous cupidity and a message of stark disenfranchisement to the ever growing underclass. Its glossy finishes and plastic displays erect a wall of defense against anything remotely human or sacred. It entices the youngest of our society with the promise…

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